Bible Chapters to Study: Isaiah 9, 30, & 44, Jeremiah 7 & 23, Psalm 1, John 10, 1 Corinthians 10 & 11, and 2nd Timothy 2.
In these times, there is much wickedness in the world and the church. Know that The Body/Church of Christ is not synonymous with the false “Churchism/Christian Culture” that we see amplified in the world and social media spaces. The Lord warned us, throughout the entire history of the bible from OT to NT, that we will be wearied and led into sin by seeking ungodly counsel and following their ways (Ps. 1:1, Jer 7:24, 1 Corn 10:14, & Isaiah 9:16.) I believe this wisdom from God gives insight into the human tendency to be loyal to a fault.
Today, Idol Worship takes many different shapes and forms and can be better understood as service/worship of an image or idol (Idolatry-G1495. Eidólolatria as used in 1 Corinthian 10:14) whether figurative or literal. Idol worship is anything or anyone that you revere, obey, or consider above God Himself (being contradictory to His commands and ways.) We fall to idol worship when we follow the doctrines, philosophies, opinions, and preferences that are contrary to the Word of God/Instructions of the Lord.
The religions of man often teach us to ask “Who is your leadership?”, “Who are you submitted under?”, and “Who is your counsel?” This led me to rush and seek to answer their questions rather than to seek the wisdom of the living Word (2nd Timothy 2:14-19)…..and yall I landed right into a wolf's den.
Some scriptures that have been misused to support submitting and obeying leadership over all things are: Proverbs 11:14, Hebrews 13:17, and 1 Corinthians 11:1. But to better understand these, in the context of God’s true heart, we must STUDY THE WORD USING HIS WORDS (I am currently using Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible):
In Hebrews 13:17, the word Obey is G3982. Peithó-to convince by argument (whether true or false); By analogy to pacify or conciliate (stop someone from being angry), to agree, assure, make friends, persuade, etc. & Submit is G5226. hupeikó-to yield, to be weak, to surrender (which comes from another word G259 which speaks to being placed beneath someone or to be in an inferior position.)
🐑whereas “To Obey God” is 3980. Peitharcheó (such as in Acts 5v. 29 and 32, Acts 27:21, & Titus 3:1) means to be persuaded by a ruler, to submit to authority, to conform, obey, or hearken to God. You will see this word compounds both G3982 and archō-G757(meaning to be FIRST in a rank or a Chief Ruler.) Word Study Summary:
You see, when discussing submission to leadership the words have a different meaning. They are speaking to the honor and peace we are to seek/keep in relationship with those who rank higher than us. To remain peaceful, we should attempt to convince them of the ways of the truth (if we are instructed otherwise) or at least not start arguments/treat them with disrespect. To yield to them even within disagreements. What it does NOT say, is to Honor, Obey, or Submit to them above the commandments of God. This may look like yielding to their opinion without an argument but ENSURING that you do not sin before the Lord in an attempt to appease or follow them.
Likewise, when the Apostles wrote about obeying God a different word is used. Instead of attempting to convince or persuade. This word says that we are persuaded by Him in such way that we do not only submit but conform and hearken to the instructions as they are infallible, final, correct, and unable to be negotiated.
As a witness of the faith and a lover girl for Christ, I now answer these questions in the following way: God is my leadership, Jesus is my high priest, and the Holy Spirit through the Scriptures is my teacher and my helper. I am submitted under Him and am guided/directed/corrected by the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 3:16-17.)
My Counsel:
Apostles: those appointed by Jesus in the NT and those appointed by them (after them)
Prophets: Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Amos, Malachi, etc
Pastors/Teachers: Solomon, Timothy, Titus, etc
Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke, Phillip, etc
In Summary: We won’t always be able to IMMEDIATELY determine/discern who the righteous and upright leaders in the Body of Christ are. Sometimes it takes time to see the fruit and the character of people. AND as we draw near to Christ, fall in love with His word, and trust His leadership above all people, we can avoid unnecessary hurt/lies/false words/demonic ties/witchcraft/idolatry simply because we only follow the sound of His voice.
I encourage you in love brothers and sisters, to listen/follow no person whose “counsel” or doctrine can not be contended or negotiated with through using the Word of God. Anyone claiming to be so high in authority that they overrule or are not subject to Jesus Christ (who is the living Word)…THEY ARE NOT OF GOD. No, you are not too young. No, you don’t have to be a pastor or rank within a church leadership position. No, you don’t have to be a theologian or historian. You only need to be a friend of God, a lover of truth, a rejoicer in righteousness, and a seeker of justice.
We are the remnant in this generation and we must choose this day who we will serve: The Lord of Hosts or the religion of man. Stay strong in the faith and endure to the end brethren.
Your Sis in Christ